Akulturasi Budaya Tionghoa Terhadap Desain Produksi Keramik Dinoyo di Kota Malang

AAG Rai Arimbawa(1), Pujiyanto Pujiyanto(2), Muhammad Afaf Hasyimy(3), Djoni Sugiarto(4),

(1) Universitas Negeri Malang
(2) Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 7 Kota Malang,
(3) Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Malang
(4) Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Malang


This article examines the acculturation of Chinese culture in the design and production of Dinoyo Ceramics, which is part of the local cultural heritage of Malang City. Typical ceramic craft designs and techniques have been passed down from generation to generation for more than a century. Dinoyo ceramics originally functioned as household utensils, decorative ceramics and souvenirs. The identity of Dinoyo ceramics has become a cultural symbol of Malang City, this center has even become one of the tourist village destinations. This research method is descriptive qualitative with an ethnographic approach, namely understanding the development of Dinoyo Ceramics in the context of Chinese cultural acculturation. Data was collected through direct observation techniques, in-depth interviews with ceramic craftsmen, and documentation studies. The data analysis process involves thematic coding to identify patterns and themes with the development of Dinoyo Ceramics. The research results show that Dinoyo Ceramics has works that are contextual to local Malang culture and the influence of Chinese culture. Ceramic designs often depict traditional motifs that reflect the beliefs, values and aesthetics of local communities, including Chinese elements. In addition, Dinoyo Ceramics has adapted to the times, combining modern elements without losing its traditional identity. This makes Dinoyo Ceramics a dynamic representation of local culture that continues to develop. The researchers' findings show that Dinoyo ceramics reflect Malang City's cultural heritage due to acculturation to Chinese culture. Dinoyo ceramics plays an important role in maintaining the continuity of traditions that are culturally adaptive to social and economic changes.


Dinoyo Ceramics; Malang Local Culture; Acculturation; Cultural heritage; Adaptation.

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