Gerakan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera dalam Menumbuhkan Partisipasi Politik Generasi Millenial Kota Kisaran Timur pada Pemilihan Presiden 2019

Mentari Anandhi(1), Prayetno Prayetno(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Medan
(2) Universitas Negeri Medan


This study aims to determine the Young Asahan PKS movement in fostering Millennial political participation. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach in data collection and analysis. Data collection techniques using a series of methods as interviews, observation, and documentation. This data is processed through data reduction and then organized through data displays that are displayed in tabular form and then drawn conclusions. The results of this study indicate that PKS Muda Asahan plays an active role in fostering millennial political participation in the 2019 PILPRES in Kota Kisaran Timur District. The role can be seen from the programs established to influence millennials to actively participate in voting, monitoring, campaigning, joining interest groups, and communicating with public officials. Some programs that have been formed to attract millennial interest are considered through the 4 millennial generation development segments; (1) Pariotics; (2) Buddy; (3) Fighter; and (4) Star. However, PKS Muda Asahan has not succeeded in forming political discussion on the external sphere. This obstacle occurs due to the stigma of the general public about the proximity of the Young Asahan PKS to the PKS party.


Young Partai Keadilan Sejahtear, Millennial Generation, Political Participation

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