Quali Coffee Roastery: Asesmen Alienasi Budaya Organisasi Pemanggang Kopi Gelombang Ketiga berbasis Kapitalis/Laba
(1) Universitas Indonesia
The “assessment†& “alienation assessment†examination method, which analyzes how gift-exchange values shape the value of a commodity in the capitalist economic mode – focuses on analyzing “gift-giving†patterns that occur within the “supply chain†as well as the relationships between business owners, labor and commodity in the so-called “impersonal and capitalist modeâ€. Through ethnographic research on the third wave cultured coffee roasting business entity of "Quali Coffee Roastery", alienation and non-alienating values can also be analyzed in the capitalistic commodity production, distribution and supply chain of third wave coffee. Results from this article shows that a third wave coffee capitalist/profit-oriented organization is able to consciously determine which factors of production and distribution that can be alienated or non-alienated in its commodity production activities. Organizational culture & leadership concept presences are crucial in the deciding occurrence of alienation/non alienation pattern on one actor part of the capitalist-mode business supply chain.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34007/jehss.v5i4.1753
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